All Studios With Gear: 10 Hours
Every month
Every 3 months

✓ FULL access to ALL 3 Studios
✓ FULL access to ALL of our constant/flash lights, and any mod
✓ 50% OFF any additional hours after the 10 HRS has been used
✓ 10% OFF any rentals from Lightbulb Rentals
✓ and MORE....
All Studios w/o Gear (10 Hours)
Every month
Every 3 months

✓ FULL access to all 3 studios
✓ 50% OFF any film/lighting rentals
✓ 50% OFF any additional hours after the 10 HRS has been used
✓ 10% OFF any rentals from Lightbulb Rentals
✓ and More.....

Choose your Studio

Nova Garden

10 hours: $500

5 hours: $250

Per Month

Crimson Noir

10 Hours: $600

5 Hours: $300

Per Month

Nova Lounge

10 Hours: $450

5 Hours: $225

Per Month

Gain access to the following perks and benefits when you become a member!